Risk vs Return. Scale Trying to Balance Both.

Building a Resilient Portfolio: Understanding Risk Adjusted Return and Risk Diversification

Risk-adjusted return

Risk-adjusted return is a concept used to measure how much return an investment has generated, considering the amount of risk that was taken to achieve these returns. It’s like comparing the performance of different athletes not just based on how fast they run, but also considering the hurdles they had to jump over. The idea is to understand which investment is more efficient in terms of the balance between the risk taken and the return earned.

Here’s a simple example:
Investment A (Higher Risk): Investing in shares of a small-cap company. This kind of investment can offer high returns but also comes with higher risk. Small-cap stocks are typically more volatile—they can have big price swings both up and down.

Investment B (Lower Risk): Investing in a single-family rental property. This investment may also provide good returns, often in the form of rental income and potential property value appreciation. However, it’s generally considered less risky compared to small-cap stocks. The property market usually experiences less rapid and less extreme fluctuations than the stock market.

Both these investments might provide similar returns in percentage terms, but when adjusted for risk, the investment in a single-family rental might be seen as more favorable since it achieves similar returns with less volatility and risk.

It’s important to note that these are just examples, and the actual risk and return profiles can vary. Different investments carry different risks and the risk-adjusted return can differ based on market conditions, economic factors, and individual circumstances. This explanation is not financial advice, and one should always conduct thorough research or consult with a financial advisor before making investment decisions.

Now, let’s turn our attention to an essential strategy in maximizing your risk-adjusted returns: diversification.

Diversification is about not putting all your eggs in one basket. Many of you might already have significant exposure to stocks, particularly through your 401K plans or other equity investments. While these are important components of your portfolio, they also bring a level of risk, especially given the stock market’s volatility.

The Case for Real Estate Investment

This is where the inclusion of real estate investments becomes critical. Real estate offers a unique set of benefits that can complement your stock holdings:

Reduced Overall Portfolio Risk: Real estate often moves independently of the stock market. By investing in real estate, you’re spreading your risk across different types of assets, which can lead to a more stable overall portfolio.

Potential for Steady Income: Unlike stocks, which mainly offer returns through stock price appreciation, real estate can provide a consistent income stream from rent.

Appreciation Over Time: Real estate values have historically appreciated, providing potential for capital gains in the long run.

Hedge Against Inflation: Real estate values and rental income generally increase with inflation, making it a good hedge against rising prices.

Tax Advantages: Real estate investing can offer various tax benefits, such as deductions and depreciation.

Balancing Your Portfolio for Optimal Risk-Adjusted Returns

By incorporating real estate into your investment portfolio, you’re not just chasing higher returns; you’re strategically positioning yourself to balance out the risk. This doesn’t mean pulling out of stocks but rather complementing your stock investments with real estate. It’s about creating a diversified portfolio that can better withstand market fluctuations and economic downturns, aiming for optimal risk-adjusted returns.


As we’ve seen, diversification is key to enhancing your risk-adjusted returns. While stocks offer growth potential, real estate can add stability, income, and a hedge against inflation. By diversifying into real estate, you’re taking a prudent step towards a more balanced and resilient investment portfolio, one that’s better equipped to handle the ebbs and flows of the financial markets.

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